Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"I don't follow politics"

I mean it’s not quite the same as saying: I don’t follow basketball.
One is disproportionately much more important than the other (sorry Lebron)

But anyway, what is that you aren’t quite following?
Do you mean, you don’t care to follow the inner-workings of a system that:
-collects sums of your money as taxes
-determines the quality of your child’s education
-maintains the infrastructure you depend on everyday
-is currently employing your friends and loved ones

I can see how people don’t find “politics” interesting.
Of course it all depends what you mean by politics.
It departs from it's literal meaning and encompasses everything from international relations and foreign policy, to municipalities.
But to most people it’s a suit circus.
An endless cycle of well-coifed men (and the occasional hard-ass lady), detached from the common man’s reality, waxing poetic about tax-cuts and health care and troop withdrawals, in order to secure more time in their fancy posts.
These men are in the business of distribution.
Battling it out over who gets what.

But in the midst of all of this, opportunities present themselves.
And throughout most of the hub bub, that common man dealing with his own version of reality (the much harder one) can step in at any time and determine the direction all of this nonsense goes in. Easily replacing anyone he deems ineffective (as was evident the last midterm elections when we overwhelmingly booted out the old, elitist majority)

To me, that is the genius of all of this.
Because you live in an area, and make that area your home, you have the power to choose who will maintain or improve your life.
While you may move in the future, these people will come and go at your whim.

I feel for you, man.
I guess it’d be like someone asking you what you think of Singapore.
You’d be wildly impartial simply because you do not know anything whatsoever about Singapore.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But there is something wrong with not knowing anything whatsoever about the people, groups, and legislation that directly affect the present and future of the country you call home.

No one says you have to be a politics junkie, but a little information never hurts.